Round Up 2018

Well, gang, we’ve had to change the venue for RoundUp 2018. Congregational Church of the Chimes scheduled a fundraiser for Sat, Feb 24. Despite our long history renting from them, they offered us Sunday 2/25 instead, with no discount for breaking their verbal agreement for the 24th (and admitted there might be insufficient parking the 1st few hours).

Your board has voted instead to accept an alternative that allows us to keep RoundUp on our scheduled date. That generous offer came from Pastor Gary Jayne of the Somis Community Church at 3300 West St, Somis 93066. You can google the church name for pics and see their website

Pastor Gary and his lovely wife Cindy, who is a fine pianist, have been friends of Songmakers for years. They host the “Taco Tuesdays” Song Circle during the warm months in their facility. Except for being North of our geographic center, it seems ideal, with ample parking, a kitchen, large auditorium seating up to 200, a locked instrument room, and a green room with external entrance to the stage area.

Gary offered to rent for whatever we could afford. We voted to pay $450 for RoundUp 2018, $300 less than renting the Church of the Chimes, 40 miles South. I apologize to our Southern members for the extra 40 minute drive this year, and we will try to migrate South next year, if any of you can solicit offers from South LA County. The board is disappointed with the Church of the Chimes’ failure to honor their commitment to us.

Thanks everyone for all you bring to our club. Let’s have a fabulous RoundUp to start a wonderful year of music – Songmakers style! All Hoots and Song Circles are encouraged to perform a group song, and bring a picture-board of your members singing their hearts out! The best is yet to come!! For more info:

