Sharron Cordero



Sharron Cordaro, Will Smith and Tom Stefancin

Memories of Sharron from Dean Donin:

Sharron Cordaro joined Songmakers in 1987 and was a member of the Board of Directors in 1990 and 1991.  She was born 11/3/34 in Des Moines, Iowa and died in January 2017.  She received her bachelor’s degree in music and moved to Riverside in 1958, where she taught music in public schools for 30 years.  She was an expert violinist, taught violin and played in the Redlands Symphony Orchestra.  She was active in environmental reform movements and became an ecology educator in 1991.  Then she lectured and taught a summer school class in Des Moines.  She lived in Hawaii from 2005 until 2011.  She is survived by her daughter, Anne Hundley of Highland, CA, Anne’s husband, Michael and their children, Christopher and Heather. 

She recorded and produced a CD album of original songs called “Songs for the Earth”.

Kay Conroy shares that Sharron was an amazing environmentalist.

Thanks go to D’vora Gittelson for sharing the song she wrote for Sharon: