The following events are considered UNOFFICIAL SONGMAKERS EVENTS. They are offered by hosts who will accept a limited number of vaccinated participants:
2nd Sunday 1-5pm: You are invited to attend the Folksong SIG (special interest group) – NOT AN OFFICIAL SONGMAKERS EVENT. Hosted by Songmakers member Alan Stillson. IN-PERSON song circle event for up to 10 fully vaccinated participants. Participation requires a reservation – please contact Alan directly at or 818-884-4284. The Folksong SIG is a long-running event for members of Greater Los Angeles Area Mensa and invited guests. It is not listed on Meetup. The address is 5515 Keokuk Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367. It’s close to the Ventura Freeway and Winnetka Ave. All musical instruments are welcome. It will be held in compliance with state/local safety guidelines and the same rules adopted by the Songmakers board of directors for in-person gatherings to protect our members during this period of post-pandemic recovery.
Rules for this event, as requested by host:
· Maximum number of attendees is 10 (couples count as two attendees).
· All pre-pandemic Songmakers rules and protocols will be used.
· The gathering is indoors. There is a full-size keyboard in the room.
· Bring light snacks to share. Host will provide non-alcoholic beverages.
The event is subject to cancellation in case of emergency or new safety guidelines by CDC, state, or local government that would prohibit this gathering.
4th Saturday at the Stagecoach Museum will be DARK in December due to museum conflicting events.
Nov 22 – 4th Monday 6-9 PM: LIVE Woodland Hills Song Circle. Alan Stillson <> is inviting you to attend this in-person event. The address is 5515 Keokuk Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367. It’s close to the Ventura Freeway and Winnetka Ave. The landline telephone number is 818/884-4284. Co-leaders are Linnea Richards and Alan Stillson. All musical instruments are welcome. It will be held in compliance with state/local safety guidelines and the rules adopted by the Songmakers board of directors for in-person gatherings to protect our members during this period of post-pandemic recovery. Attendance requires the following:
1. Fully vaccinated plus at least two weeks.
2. Reservation via Meet-up or direct contact with host.
3. Rules for this event, as requested by host:
• Maximum number of attendees is 10 (couples = two attendees).
• All pre-pandemic Songmakers rules and protocols still apply.
• The gathering is indoors. There is a full-size keyboard in the room.
• Bring light snacks to share. Host will provide snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.
The event is subject to cancellation in case of emergency or new safety guidelines by CDC, state, or local government that would prohibit this gathering.